schedule Learning Time: 5–7 Minutes
By the end of this module, the learners are expected to be able to accomplish the following:
Construct criteria in placing and matching jobs for neurodivergent job seekers
Identify and open up to prospective jobs for neurodivergent job seekers
Construct an employment agreement with onboarding neurodivergent employees
Placement pertains to the analysis of job requirements with the qualifications of the neurodivergent job seeker and the reasonable adjustments the employer can make. Coordinating closely with partners will make this step more straightforward. The considerations expected from the partner school or organization include the following:
work and interest match
culture, practices, environment, distance
expectations and limitations of the family
employee-employer fit and employee-job fit
Through cooperation with partners and thorough research, task assignment can be achieved is the key practice for successful employment.
Setting up neurodivergent job seekers with a vocation that takes into account their symptoms, interests, and strength allows them to capitalize on these and provide greater satisfaction for themselves and their employer.
Careers where neurodivergent individuals can excel at given the opportunity, include (but are certainly not limited to) the following:
Visual Thinkers |
Mathematically Inclined |
Computer-Related Skills |
Equipment Design |
Accounting |
Data Entry |
Webpage Designer |
Statistician |
Inventory Management |
Graphic Designer |
Bank Teller |
Competitive Analysis |
Photography |
Filing and Clerical Positions |
Data Keeping |
The employer has the option to choose the type of employment that they want to offer to a neurodivergent job seeker and must establish an agreement for this to their partner school or organization, as well as their parent/guardian if necessary.
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